Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Dolphin-Project at Awana Porto Malai

After a tip-off from Aida, Kim and I headed out to Awana Porto Malai, Langkawi to check out the cage that it is now being built.

We asked around and found out that this cage is meant for dolphins!

Our first thought was dolphin watch for tourists! Later, we were then told out that the cage is for dolphins apparently will be coming from America. These dolphins will be caged in the waters off Awana Porto Malai as their acclimatisation program. 
How long these dolphins will be here for? Unsure. 
Are these dolphins really from America and not caught from the waters of Langkawi?
Once these dolphins had acclimatised, they will be transferred  to Singapore!

A White-Bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster hovering above us in the hot and sunny afternoon yesterday.


  1. We had seen a school of dolphins playing off the western ledge near Berjaya. It was almost unbelievable.

    So it is good to wonder and question when something appears unusual.

  2. Hi Ocean Girl;
    Yes, dolphins sighting is a phenomena. Not everyone gets a chance to see them. I always believe that it is a gift to be able to see them in the wild. So, you were very lucky then :)

    I always wanted to see dolphins and was hoping to see them in New Zealand. Not a chance until I go myself here in Langkawi :)


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