From left: Adec Mel, Jerome & Aida (with butt pose)
These were all I have. Some were in those poly bags for more than 1 year that were supposedly be planted in Tanjung Rhu but did not happen.

Those that were planted on the previous time were half-standing, cut off by strong waves or currents. And some of them have the shoots out, yeah... good sign!
I found my babies Ceriops Tagal and Brugeira Parviflora still alive - phew! Glad to know that they are still surviving.
My babies Ceriops Tagal & Brugeira Parviflora are still standing. I stuck 9 seedlings surrounding my babies as defense system. Will it work?... hahaha...
TLC and maintenance time as we discovered that there were a few young trees has collapsed. These were planted about 2 years ago, maybe by the Digi program with the school children.
Team reinforcing the foundation. We almost ended up with mud fights as the mud can be nicely rolled into mudballs...
This is a mud-doughnut. Plucked off from top of a crab mound. I fixed it back later after inspecting it.
The sea water has risen up to about 1.5m and allowed us to wash up.
At the end of the planting, I learnt about the tide level in this area. In future, I need not have to wait for tide to go below 1.0m. Tide level between 1.5m-2.0m would be nice. Better still when the tide is rising which allows us to wash up after.
At the end of the planting, I learnt about the tide level in this area. In future, I need not have to wait for tide to go below 1.0m. Tide level between 1.5m-2.0m would be nice. Better still when the tide is rising which allows us to wash up after.
Hats off to the team that came and endure the hot afternoon sun. Thanks guys!
A refreshing glass of sirap selasih from Warung Pais was a great idea! Thanks, Aida for recommending that drink. Tea-O limau selasih wasn't that tasty compared to the sirap selasih, however, equally refreshing :)
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